Sunday, March 11, 2012

What Difference a Day Can Make

I don't want to try and make a big deal about how bad I felt yesterday and the day before because I really didn't feel that bad.  Just tired and a little yucky.  My energy levels were way down but I felt very comfortable and perfectly fine sprawled out on the couch sleeping and watching TV.  My choice to be a little proactive was probably the wrong one but hey, I still managed to get plenty of rest and on the plus side, today I felt great.

I decided to have a small breakfast as I seem to feel a little better just after I eat, but I didn't want too much to eat as we were going out for brunch later.  And that is what I did.  I surprised myself too.  We went to a great little place about four blocks from the hotel and I managed to walk the whole way without even feeling a little tired.  I managed to eat all my brunch and I have gone the whole day without felling any nausea or fatigue.

It is quite a relief.  Although I want to stress that it really wasn't that bad, I also was not relishing the possibility that yesterday was the best I was going to feel between now and my transplant day.  Luckily for me it wasn't.  So today I got back on board the tourist band wagon.

With my parents for company, my friend from DC and her sister, cousins and sister's boyfriend we headed down south to visit the Robie House, located on the grounds of the University of Chicago.  It was a stunning piece of architecture, designed by Frank Lloyd Wright who really set a new bench mark for the style of American architecture.

After that we did a mini driving tour of Chicago and saw some of the other marvellous Chicago land marks including Barack Obama's house.  Tonight we are off to dinner again, which I am looking forward to.  Until next time, stay well:)

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